Modules Reference


class base.Relation(attr_fk, to_class, related_name=None)

Adds a relation to another object.


Returns the property in which the relation will be referenced.


Returns the property in which the backwards relation will be referenced.

class base.MetaOjota(*args, **kwargs)

Metaclass for Ojota

class base.Ojota(_pk=None, **kwargs)

Base class to create instances of serialized data in the source files.


Compare the equality of two elements.

__init__(_pk=None, **kwargs)



String representation of the elements.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

classmethod _filter(data, filters)

Applies filter to data.

data – an iterable containing the data filters – a dictionary with the filters
classmethod _objetize(data)

Return the data into an element.

classmethod _read_all_from_datasource()

Reads the data from the datasource, makes a dictionary with the key specified in the key parameter. Allows to filter by subdirectories when the data is not on the root according to the data path.

classmethod _read_item_from_datasource(pk)

Reads the data form the datasource if support index search.

classmethod _sort(data_list, order_fields)

Sort a list by a given field or field froups.

data_list – a list with the data order_fields – a string with the order fields
classmethod _test_expression(expression, value, element_data)

Finds out if a value in a given field matches an expression.

Arguments: expression – a string with the comparison expression. If the expression is a field name it will be compared with equal. In case that the field has “__” and an operation appended the it is compared with the appended expression. The availiable expressions allowed are: “=”, “exact”, “iexact”, “contains”, “icontains”, “in”, “gt”, “gte”, “lt”, “lte”, “startswith”, “istartswith”, “endswith”, “iendswith”, “range” and “ne”

dump_values(new_data=None, delete=False)

Saves the data into a file.

classmethod many(**kargs)

Returns all the elements that match the conditions.

classmethod one(pk=None, **kargs)

Returns the first element that matches the conditions.


Returns the primary key value.


Save function for an object.


Updates the given values.


class sources.Source(data_path=None, create_empty=True)

Base class for all the data sources.

__init__(data_path=None, create_empty=True)

Constructor for the Source class.

Arguments: data_path – the path where the data is located.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Builds the path where the data will be located.

cls – the class with the data.
fetch_element(cls, pk)

Fetch the elements for a given element of a class.

cls - the class with the data. pk - the primary key of the given element.

Fetch the elements for a given class.

cls - the class with the data.
save(cls, data)

Fetch the elements for a given element of a class.

cls - the class with the data. pk - the primary key of the given element.
class sources.JSONSource(data_path=None, create_empty=True, indent=4)

Source class for the data stored with JSON format

__init__(data_path=None, create_empty=True, indent=4)

Constructor for the Source class.

data_path – the path where the data is located. create_empty – if file in data_path is not found, create an empty one. indent – control the indentation of the JSON in the file.
read_elements(cls, filepath)

Reads the elements form a JSON file. Returns a dictionary containing the read data.

filepath – the path for the json file.
class sources.YAMLSource(data_path=None, create_empty=True)

Source class for the data stored with YAML format.

requires the PyYaml package to run.

read_elements(cls, filepath)

Reads the elements form a JSON file. Returns a dictionary containing the read data.

filepath – the path for the json file.
class sources.WebServiceSource(data_path=None, method='get', get_all_cmd='/all', get_cmd='/data', user=None, password=None, cert=None, custom_call=None)

Source class for the data stored with JSON format taken through a Web Service.

Requires the “requests” package to run.
__init__(data_path=None, method='get', get_all_cmd='/all', get_cmd='/data', user=None, password=None, cert=None, custom_call=None)

Constructor for the WebServiceSource class.

data_path – the path where the data is located. method – the http method that will be used witht the web service. Defauts to “get”. get_all_cmd – the WS command to fetch all the data. Defaults to “/all”. get_cmd – the WS command to fetch one element. Defaults to “/data” user – the user name for the authentication. If not provided the request will not use authentication. password – the password for the authentication. If not provided the request will not use authentication.
read_element(cls, url, pk)

Reads one element elements form a JSON file. Returns a dictionary containing the read data.

cls – the data class. url – the path for the WS. pk – the primary key.
read_elements(cls, url)

Reads the elements form a WS request. Returns a dictionary containing the read data.

cls – the data class. url – the path for the WS.


class cache.Cache

The base Cache class. Stores the cached data in memory.


Returns True if a given element is cached.

name – the cache name.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Gets the data from cache.

name – the cache name.
set(name, elems)

Sets the data into cache.

name – the cache name. elems – the data to cache.
class cache.Memcache(cache_location='', port=11211, expiration_time=None, debug=None)

Stores the cached data in memcache.


Returns True if a given element is cached.

name – the cache name.
__init__(cache_location='', port=11211, expiration_time=None, debug=None)

Constructor for the Memcache class.

cache_location – memcached URI. defaults to port – memcached port. Defaults to 11211 expiration_time – memcache expiration time debug – activate memcache debug. Defaults to None

Gets the data from cache.

name – the cache name.
set(name, elems)

Sets the data into cache.

name – the cache name. elems – the data to cache.
class cache.DummyCache

Dummy Cache class to be able to use no cache.

set(name, elems)

Sets the data into cache.

name – the cache name. elems – the data to cache.